
Kwai Tsing clashed heads for the Jockey Club Youth Football League (U16-League A) fixture. Cheung Wai Him scored late in the match for Sai Kung to draw with Kwai Tsing, a point for each side.

Kwai Tsing clashed heads for the Jockey Club Youth Football League (U16-League A) fixture. Cheung Wai Him scored late in the match for Sai Kung to draw with Kwai Tsing, a point for each side.

Kwai Tsing started to put pressure on Sai Kung' s defense right from the start, with Lam Fung taking a pass from the team into the box in the 8th minute, but the opposing goalkeeper was able to meet the ball in time to deny it. Kwai Tsing had another scoring chance on the 14th minute, but Lam Chung Sum failed to find the target after a successful pressing. Sai Kung came close to opening score on the 15th minute, Kwai Tsing miskicked in the penalty area, but Chow Chun Wang’s shot was just wide.

In the second half, Kwai Tsing stepped up their offensive efforts and duly took the lead. On the 36th minute, Mohammad-Aqib picked up an amazing pass from teammate and beat the goalkeeper one-on-one. Kwai Tsing was up 1:0. Just two minutes later, Mohammad-Aqib had another scoring chance, but Sai Kung defender managed to clear the ball in front of the goal line. But Kwai Tsing didn’t wait for long for their second goal, Tsui Yu Hin connected with teammate’s corner delivery and headed the ball home on the 39 minutes.

Sai Kung was not discouraged by the two-goal deficit and started a comeback. On the 49th minute, a corner from Sai Kung found Tsui Chak Yuen at the far post, the latter tucked the ball home with a volley shot. Sai Kung was only down by a goal at this point. In injury time, Sai Kung finally equalized with Cheung Wai Him scoring inside the penalty area. The match ended in a 2:2 draw, with both Kwai Tsing and Sai Kung getting one point each.